she seemed to love the little dog....different values about end of life? she let him suffer longer than necessary IMO, the rushed to the cheapest place to put him down. Now when I tell you this, you're really gonna think she's not a good person. she had a two-year-old cat. she like the cat, allowed it to sleep under the covers with her. she euthanized it for an eye problem. I guess the vet either said it was incurable or possibly the treatment would have been very expensive. I couldn't understand doing that to such a young animal. but my sister had a dog who got some sort of object in his eye (if I recall correctly). She had insurance and the treatment cost over $10,000. Not everyone is willing or able to pay that kind of vet bill.
Anyway I doubt my friend will get another dog. Her husband will probably urge her to get a cat. Apparently cats are somewhat disposable to the